Cyberskies Neonpaper

Front Cover

Cyberskies is a gamification platform for frens and communities.

Buckle up for a whole new level of innovation in how you interact and engage with communities. We're bringing you real, interoperable gaming experiences for the web3 communities and frens! Connect as a holder of your favorite collection, team up or compete in community-run tournaments for prizes.

Upcoming Releases

This is our first release and the gateway into the Cyberskies' universe. Through this collection of generative PFPs, holders will have access to special and exclusive benefits within our ecosystem. Learn more at: Summary

To better understand how it all connects, we've created a quick summary at tl;dr.

Continue reading the document to take a deep dive into the project. All information has been gathered in the richest possible way.

The information in this Litepaper reflects the founders' views. Increments may be subject to governance and further diligence.

Last updated