

General Aspects

The token's main functions are giving access to the Cyberskies' ecosystem, minting NFTs, rewarding community and working as the Cyberskies' main currency.

Cybercoin will allow members of the community to engage in the project governance and influence the project’s decisions, serving as the gateway to a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).

The token's value is intimately linked with the community's contribution. As the token appreciation is the result of its supply and demand, all the value built by the community is transferred and reflected directly in the Cybercoin.

The interests of all involved parties are aligned through the token by the following mechanisms:

  1. Team: creates the value proposition and project's vision;

  2. Community: are encouraged to join through project's vision and structure;

  3. Team: bring value back to the community in the form of products;

  4. Community: are rewarded for their contribution to the maintenance of the created ecosystem.

Last updated