
Our commitment is to keep up-to-date as possible with the available tools and in accordance with the needs of the Web3 ecosystem, but also to promote technological innovations in each new release.

How are we innovating?


For this collection, we developed our own software, permitting greater artistic freedom and results that were never before achievable in a truly generative way.

Traditionally, a PFP is formed through a chronological overlay of layers — like a sandwich. In Netrippers collection, a series of algorithmic conditionals mean that certain attributes imply the addition of a complementary layer in a non-chronological level. For example, to form a PFP with expressions, the algorithm needs to validate the sex and skin color — otherwise, there would be a mess, with a female eye, a male mouth, with one color on one side and another on the other. The same goes for hair, for makeup/beards, for clothes, and so on (see Mecha-nism AI).

Another innovative feature is that each NFT will have a skill tree that will influence its role playing and progress. In addition, each NFT has a unique name in its list of attributes, generated algorithmically.

SkyRacers: High-Speed Low-Mercy

SkyRacers is a game that is all about gameplay. There are no clickers here, just real-time multiplayer action that will keep you on your toes. You need to be skilled to take to the skies and come out victorious!

Another step towards the future is the VR development, with a high level of immersion and usefulness of Cyberskies' digital assets. We also make it available on mobile, which makes it easier for people to use.

SkyRacers is a great way to introduce people to Web3 technology. The game is easy to learn and play, and people will feel more comfortable buying assets through the blockchain after trying it out. This is an incentive system not just for players, but also for guilds and investors, who will be able to more easily find pro players for competitive matches.

Our original rewarding platform is scalable and suitable for different types of competitive gaming, including FPS, MOBA, and others. We want to validate our model and approach, iterate, and apply the learning to new developments and future acquisitions.

Last updated